California Votes To End Mandatory Reporting On Students Who Threaten Schools Two days after the Uvalde massacre at Robb Elementary School, the California state senate voted to end mandatory reporting of students who threaten to do what the Uvalde killer did.
Before the California law was passed, existing law stated that whenever a school official is “attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil,” staff was “required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.” The new bill repealed this requirement.
Maybe they don’t watch the news?
A heads-up to police to maybe start keeping an eye on the social media postings of would-be killers strikes me as a no-brainer.
The language in the bill was endorsed by the ACLU. The organization said that “Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison.”
The ACLU conveniently forgets that the reason kids usually “make contact” with law enforcement — how’s that for a euphemism? — is because they were doing something illegal.
I remember watching the documentary Scared Straight 40 years ago. I don’t know if getting a real taste of prison life did anything for the kids in the movie, but it certainly left an impression on my friends and me. But now we’re supposed to treat budding criminals with kid gloves and just hope they don’t grow up to be felons.
We’ve come to expect this kind of thing from the ACLU. Sadly, we’ve come to expect it from Sacramento as well.
There’s so much self-inflicted wrong going on in the once-Golden State.
I forgot to post this before my recent MC trip! Good for Kyle!
Good thing Rittenhouse didn't have a case according to the dazzler and his mythical law degree. Just another case settled with a quiet apology. How can one leftard be so wrong on everything and not engage in some degree of self-introspection? Rhetorical question. I pity his hypothetical clients. Geezus.
I forgot to post this before my recent MC trip! Good for Kyle!
< Good thing Rittenhouse didn't have a case according to the dazzler and his mythical law degree. Just another case settled with a quiet apology. How can one leftard be so wrong on everything and not engage in some degree of self-introspection? Rhetorical question. I pity his hypothetical clients. Geezus.
But Rittenhouse has not sued “The View,” nor has a $22 million settlement been reached, David Hancock, a spokesperson for Rittenhouse, told the AP.
“It’s false,” Hancock said of the online claims.
Lauri Hogan, a spokesperson for ABC, also confirmed in an email to the AP that the claims are false.
The claim appears to have originated on USA Taters, a satirical website that states on its “about” page, “Everything on this website is fiction.” It is a subsidiary of America’s Last Line of Defense, a network of websites that publish satirical content that is frequently misinterpreted as real.
I forgot to post this before my recent MC trip! Good for Kyle!
< Good thing Rittenhouse didn't have a case according to the dazzler and his mythical law degree. Just another case settled with a quiet apology. How can one leftard be so wrong on everything and not engage in some degree of self-introspection? Rhetorical question. I pity his hypothetical clients. Geezus.
But Rittenhouse has not sued “The View,” nor has a $22 million settlement been reached, David Hancock, a spokesperson for Rittenhouse, told the AP.
“It’s false,” Hancock said of the online claims.
Lauri Hogan, a spokesperson for ABC, also confirmed in an email to the AP that the claims are false.
The claim appears to have originated on USA Taters, a satirical website that states on its “about” page, “Everything on this website is fiction.” It is a subsidiary of America’s Last Line of Defense, a network of websites that publish satirical content that is frequently misinterpreted as real.
Lowly government workers aren’t supposed to be surfing the internet.
I forgot to post this before my recent MC trip! Good for Kyle!
< Good thing Rittenhouse didn't have a case according to the dazzler and his mythical law degree. Just another case settled with a quiet apology. How can one leftard be so wrong on everything and not engage in some degree of self-introspection? Rhetorical question. I pity his hypothetical clients. Geezus.
But Rittenhouse has not sued “The View,” nor has a $22 million settlement been reached, David Hancock, a spokesperson for Rittenhouse, told the AP.
“It’s false,” Hancock said of the online claims.
Lauri Hogan, a spokesperson for ABC, also confirmed in an email to the AP that the claims are false.
The claim appears to have originated on USA Taters, a satirical website that states on its “about” page, “Everything on this website is fiction.” It is a subsidiary of America’s Last Line of Defense, a network of websites that publish satirical content that is frequently misinterpreted as real.
Lowly government workers aren’t supposed to be surfing the internet.
As always the left protects it's criminals.
California Votes To End Mandatory Reporting On Students Who Threaten Schools
Two days after the Uvalde massacre at Robb Elementary School, the California state senate voted to end mandatory reporting of students who threaten to do what the Uvalde killer did.
Before the California law was passed, existing law stated that whenever a school official is “attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil,” staff was “required to promptly report the incident to specified law enforcement authorities.” The new bill repealed this requirement.
Maybe they don’t watch the news?
A heads-up to police to maybe start keeping an eye on the social media postings of would-be killers strikes me as a no-brainer.
The language in the bill was endorsed by the ACLU. The organization said that “Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison.”
The ACLU conveniently forgets that the reason kids usually “make contact” with law enforcement — how’s that for a euphemism? — is because they were doing something illegal.
I remember watching the documentary Scared Straight 40 years ago. I don’t know if getting a real taste of prison life did anything for the kids in the movie, but it certainly left an impression on my friends and me. But now we’re supposed to treat budding criminals with kid gloves and just hope they don’t grow up to be felons.
We’ve come to expect this kind of thing from the ACLU. Sadly, we’ve come to expect it from Sacramento as well.
There’s so much self-inflicted wrong going on in the once-Golden State.
I forgot to post this before my recent MC trip! Good for Kyle!
But Rittenhouse has not sued “The View,” nor has a $22 million settlement been reached, David Hancock, a spokesperson for Rittenhouse, told the AP.
“It’s false,” Hancock said of the online claims.
Lauri Hogan, a spokesperson for ABC, also confirmed in an email to the AP that the claims are false.
The claim appears to have originated on USA Taters, a satirical website that states on its “about” page, “Everything on this website is fiction.” It is a subsidiary of America’s Last Line of Defense, a network of websites that publish satirical content that is frequently misinterpreted as real.
The 2020 election was stolen
I said it
Fuck off