Correlation isn't causation. Tough to make accurate comparisons without a control group. What is clear is that not one leftard has explained how a cloth mask with filter diameters substantially larger than a virus particle filters out the virus. If masks worked then cases wouldn't have skyrocketed after mask mandates were imposed. Even the Missouri stats shows that masked counties were getting substantial chicom crud infections. You want to wear a mask, go ahead. If you want to hide in your basement, feel free.
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Based on this fucking dumb news article, masks are like 20%-25% effective. CDC said they were 80% effective recently. Who is right? Why is the SCC lying?
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
So you dodge like a Kunt every question you were asked. Got it.
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Based on this fucking dumb news article, masks are like 20%-25% effective. CDC said they were 80% effective recently. Who is right? Why is the SCC lying?
Dr Drew talks about two huge studies on masks in this podcast. (Fast fwd to the 5min 15sec mark)
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Based on this fucking dumb news article, masks are like 20%-25% effective. CDC said they were 80% effective recently. Who is right? Why is the SCC lying?
Dr Drew talks about two huge studies on masks in this podcast. (Fast fwd to the 5min 15sec mark)
They sort of work if you are sick and sneezing or coughing and are close to that individual. The virus isn't aerosolized at that point. Just stay away from the hackers. I did that before the chicom crud. Masks filter the much larger droplets. They don't filter the aerosolized virus particles. The virus is going to virus. You are going to get it unless you are vaccinated and then you only get partial protection. Flattening the curve wasn't supposed to stop you from getting the chicom crud, just that you wouldn't get it during the two week lockdown period to secure hospital space for you to die. You would eventually get it down the road. Again, for the vast majority of Americans, it's no more or actually less dangerous than the flu. If you are old or are fat and have diabetes, then get vaccinated every six months and wear a mask and stay in you basement, if you want. Leave me alone.
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Without a mask mandate why aren’t they the worst state? Why are they better now? They don’t have a mask mandate now do they Dazzler?
So how did they improve?
This is a two year old pandemic that hits various states differently, at different times, based on a number of regional differences.
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Imagine being mad an area has low covid just because they didn’t follow the silly guidelines dictated by your religious leaders.
What a moron
So how did they improve?
Congrats on having a good recent stretch, Florida! You are still far more infected and have far higher death rates than the US average. Most of the minority of US states performing worse than you also have no mask mandate.
Now let's talk about Sweden.
Dr Drew talks about two huge studies on masks in this podcast. (Fast fwd to the 5min 15sec mark)
These are the two studies he’s talking about:
Conclusion, masks only have 15-20% efficacy rate.
Fuck off