We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on "renewables" and this is where we are at. We have a massive federal and state tax credits and renewable energy standards and we get my two neighbors who just installed chicom solar panels. 12% of our energy comes from "renewables". Of that, 61% of our "renewable" energy comes from hydroelectric and burning wood and sh*t. So much for wind and solar. Here is some stats on what we have accomplished.
https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/07/more-evidence-of-the-uselessness-of-green-energy.phpMORE EVIDENCE OF THE USELESSNESS OF “GREEN” ENERGY
At AmericanExperiment.org, my colleague Isaac Orr deals a double-barreled blow to the fantasy of “green” energy. First, after all of the hype surrounding wind and solar energy, where did Americans actually get their energy in 2020? This chart tells the story:

All “renewable” sources together account for only 12% of our energy consumption, but the details make the story even worse:
It is very interesting to note that burning wood, which is the oldest form of energy consumption in the country, is still producing more useful energy than solar power, despite the billions of dollars that have been spent propping up the industry.
What an utter failure.
Second, why does wind power supply so little electricity, despite the many billions that have been spent on it? The most basic reason is that 60% of the time, a given wind turbine produces nothing. The liberals’ response to this fact is to advocate massive overbuilding of capacity, on the theory that the wind must be blowing somewhere. Unfortunately, that isn’t true:
Advocates of wind turbines often argue that their unreliability can be offset by building even more wind turbines and transmission lines to distant areas because the wind is always blowing somewhere.
But last week, electricity generation from wind turbines was low throughout the entire 15 state power grid to which Minnesota belongs, the Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator (MISO), even though electricity demand was very high. The graph below shows data from the United States Energy Information Administration for wind generation in the regional electric grid on an hourly basis from June 24, 2021, through July 5, 2021.

There is, obviously, an enormous difference between the nominal capacity of installed wind turbines and their actual production of electricity. On windy days, they might occasionally produce nearly as much as their rated capacity, but on other days they may produce nothing at all, even across a broad geographic area.
At midnight on June 24, 2021, wind turbines were operating at about 80 percent of their capacity factor, but by 11 am on June 30, 2021, all of the wind turbines in the 15 state regional grid were generating just 0.71 percent of their potential output.
Sorry you don't
The next shutdowns will be climate related, imho, and add a dash of CDC masks for good measure. It is all just part of the great reset. Buckle up, we are in for a fun ride.
*Cliff Maas explained how the heat wave all came together in a perfect storm and is weather related and not climate change related. Today the sheep news is reporting a group of scientists (sounds like a consensus to me) are saying because of climate change to expect more of these incidents. Added fact: Death Valley was scheduled to tie the record of 134 degrees today that was set in 1913. 1913? that was when climate change took us all by surprise.
A woke friend of mine once posted on Instagram a few years ago that Elon Musk was the president we need. Forget that he was born in South Africa. Wokies loved him for helping the world with clean energy. Now they hate him.