Saw this at Doogman this morning. Someone asked if down votes would be transparent any time soon.
They'll be transparent with the new boards. Too many downvotes at some point will impact your status on the boards and impact your ability to access features those with higher status will be able to use. Not sure how it's going to work yet. We actually have posters who troll other posters and downvote every post they make. It's childish at times.
It's not a matter of agreeing, disagreeing or not liking a post. The problem is those who troll certain posters and downvote every post they make. Trolling, stalking..... It's dumb. It's childish at times and a pain to deal with. The network disabled the downvote for a while and some other sites made a big stink about it so it returned. I'd vote to disable it if we could. Posters out here just seem angry lately.
" Trolling should stop, agree " Yup. Buffcard just found out we weren't kidding. It's dumb. He'll be back soon. But for those who continue, mods will make it a long time. Moderating sucks. Babysitting is worse. Hate it when we have to push back but complaints are way up.
We're hoping the transparency helps. We have about 20 people who are guilty of trolling posters. When we see it, they'll be gone. It's just dumb and a waste of time for us to deal with. It's like dealing with the drunk guy at the bar.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Quick shoutout to Kim:

Quick shoutout to Doogman pussies who complain about getting down voted:
Drunk guys : bars :: poasters : boreds
It's kinda the poont.
Imagine doing this
No warning?
Amazing how much he loathes his job
The midget had to multiply that number by ten because his fucking ego is hurting. His poasts quite regularly have a cumulative - 10 or worse. This poast in reference had a - 9. Which is telling because all the responses are effusive in their agreement and it includes F3 Ektatd and countless minions automatically up voting him.
I noticed last week how many down votes he was getting. And it didn't take him very long to invent a problem so he can implement a feature to eliminate his down voters and heal his ego.
This is something directly out out of our? our own Stalins playbook. Nicely played. #rulesforradicals