AOC is a not a real congresswoman. She's a low level player in a sinister political
scheme that is orchestrated and funded by the cabal. But who are the ones pulling
the strings?

The Conspirators
Level 1: Category - Foot Soldiers (Low Level Conspirators)

Foot soldiers carry out the marching orders from the higher ups. They are mindless,
malleable players in a larger scheme. AOC is a paid actor who responded to a casting
call by the Justice Democrats, aka the democratic socialists of America (DSA).
Proof the Justice Democrats recruited AOC in 2017:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z7l4y_DqH4She doesn't really care about the issues she claims to care about like global warming,
money in politics or the proletariat.

Proletarians don't spend $3.5K on single-use bourgeois outfits like the one AOC is
wearing below. They wear and re-wear threads like the comrades in the photo next to

AOC is a useful idiot, nothing more, and no more time will be wasted discussing her,
except to link her to higher ranked conspirators in order to expose the true nature of
the plot and the organization behind her.

Level 2: Category - Media Propagandists (Mid Level Conspirators)
Saikat Chakrabarti

Saikat Chakrabarti recruited AOC and is her chief of staff and leader of a team that she
defers to on policy proposals and decision making. Chakrabarti runs a $1 million slush
fund and diverts campaign cash to his own companies. Chakrabarti is a devotee of
Subhaus Chandra Bose. Bose was Hitler's ally and wanted to implement a mixed system
of communism and Nazism in India. Chakrabarti loves Bose SO MUCH he wears him on
t-shirts whenever possible.

Shaking Hitler's hand in 1942. Ouch, busted.

Level 3: Category - Reichs Marshalls, Bolshevik Commissars (Upper Level Conspirators)
Cenk Uygur

Cenk Uygur is a Turkish lawyer, host and creator of the "Young Turks." The show is
named after group of Turkish revolutionaries formed in 1911 who slaughtered 1.5
million people in the Armenian genocide. Uygur hired Chakrabarti and is the key
founder of the Justice Democrats. His goal is to replace all democrats in Congress
with handpicked radical leftists like AOC, and get the Berniecrats to do it for him.
Pulling back the Curtain: The Truth about AOC:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7C8oM6-PPIUygur is a fraud -- an actor who went from being ultra conservative to ultra progressive
literally overnight. His name cropped up in various FBI investigations and the following
video reveals the interests that fund him, including billionaires George Soros, Jeffrey
Katzenberg, major Clinton donors as well as several players at the Aspen Institute, a
Bilderberg type group that counts CIA, NSA and State department officials among its
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmy9kdH9y-QUygur supported Recip Tayyip Erdogan until he didn't.

He stopped supporting the Turkish autocrat in 2011, the same year the CIA did. If Uygur is
not a cabalist who takes marching orders from CIA, he's certainly funded by those who do.
Cenk Uygur is a notorious anti-semite:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-7DqE9u0qMStarting to see a pattern yet?

Level 4: Category - Deputy Führers, Supreme Soviets (Upper Level Conspirators)
Zack Exley
Becky Bond, Advisor for Beto O'Rourke

Zack Exley is a fellow at the George Soros Open Society Foundation. He looks like
an Aryan and uses Cenk Ugyur as a tool to promote his vision of the benevolent
dictatorship of the social justice warriors. He was instrumental in getting AOC
elected. Exley is evil and plans to run progressive socialists as republicans in
solidly republican districts with low voter turnout. He intends to get progressives
to switch parties to republican so they can vote in republican primaries and help
get more candidates into office. Once in office, these sleeper agent actors will turn
socialist. The end game is to eventually replace all government officials with
members of his movement. They ADMIT THE WHOLE PLOT ON CAMERA:
The Brains Behind AOC:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-3_FGyhg4kExley's co-author Becky Bond is a top advisor to Beto O'Rourke and is an upper
level conspirator. O'Dork is the perfect deep state candidate. He doesn't have a
brain. The CIA won't need to use MKUltra on him to control him if he gets elected.
He's already involved in the plot. He's a Justice Democrat in disguise.

O'Rourke's advisor Becky Bond formed an organization called "Real Justice"
that targets district attorneys nationwide. Their agenda is to replace all DA's in
America with members of the Justice Democrats movement. Shaun King is the face
the organization. He's a leader of Black Lives Matter and his job is to stoke racial
division - to get blacks to hate whites. Like how the CIA used The Black Panthers in
the 60's. He's basically the Charles Manson of the organization, but without the
charisma or the cult following. Both of his parents are white, and so is he.
Black Lives Matter Con Man Shaun King is not even Black:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLKUhup39Ec'Racial justice' is a central pillar of chief conspirator Zack Exley's Justice Democrats
movement. 'Racial justice' was a central pillar of Adolf Hitler's movement too.
We live in this wonderful country with a democracy. And so lets use the democracy to
take over the government. - Zack Exley on tape, 2017
Now that the Mueller Democrat's Beer Hall Putsch has failed, the Justice Democrats
are going to work through the system to take over the system, just like Hitler did. Do
you really want these guys in charge of the 5g/6g kill grid, coming soon to a city near
5G Death Towers Exposed:
Level 5: Category - Führers, Tsars (Top Level Conspirators)
Deep State Faction, The Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute is similar to the Bilderberg Group and is composed of major
domestic and international players in politics, banking and business that control the
levers of power from behind the scenes. The board of trustees reads like a who's who of
the deep state. Some of the better known names currently serving on the board of trustees
are: Condoleeza Rice, Madeleine Albright, Miguel Bezos (Jeff's stepdad), Katie Couric,
Michael Eisner, Queen Noor.
Aspen Institute Board of Trustees: aspeninstitute.org/team/board-of-trustees/
The Aspen Institute has been directly linked to Cenk Uygur and the Justice Democrats.
His show "The Young Turks" is financed by several members of this cabal.
Deep State Faction, The CIA
The Central Intelligence Agency IS the shadow government. The Constitution never
provided for its existence and it is accountable to no one. It kills at will, and has
conducted secret experiments on US cities and citizens, including a test of bacterial
weapons over San Francisco. It meddles in international geopolitics, employing a divide
and conquer strategy to ensure that it always wins. The CIA keeps various factions of
targeted populations distracted and warring in order to maintain control through arms
sales and other methods. It stokes division in the US and has been known to use
radical groups to do it. Maybe they're doing the same with Antifa and the Justice
Democrats. Former CIA director and traitor John Brennan and other CIA officials are
members of the Aspen Institute.
Why were 1/4 of the democrat candidates running for office in 2018 former
CIA/intelligence officials?
Democrats are Running CIA Agents as Candidates:
Deep State Mogul George Soros
Hungarian financier George Soros is an arch enemy of the United States. He is an ACTUAL,
ORIGINAL, OLD-SCHOOL NAZI COLLABORATOR who participated in confiscating Jewish
property during the Holocaust, and he isn't sorry about it:
His own countrymen call him Satan and there is a warrant out for his arrest in his
native land.
Hungary calls George Soros 'Satan':
Through his media empire The Media Consortium and his deep pockets, Soros funds
and promotes the Justice Democrats. Cenk Uygur's Young Turks belong to The Media
Consortium. Zack Exley is a fellow at the Soros Open Society Foundation. Saikat
Chakrabarti hired actors like AOC to carry out the deep state agenda of George Soros
and the Aspen Institute, whose members include CIA, NSA, State Department and other
high level government officials, CEO's and media moguls.
Through her handlers, promoters and financiers, we can now connect AOC and the rest
of the Justice Democrats to these top level conspirators.
Ocasio-Cortez's Dirty Relationship with Soros has just come out in Public:
However even the top brass are being played by the one who rules them all, by the one
who finds them, by the one who brings them all, and in the darkness binds them.
Level 666: Category - Kingpin (Primary Conspirator)
Lucifer, also known as Satan, Beelzebub or Belial, is a fallen angel who rebelled against
The LORD of Hosts and was thrown out of Heaven.
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the
devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and
his angels were thrown down with him. - Revelation 12:9
Lucifer likes to meddle in politics. He loved Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. He inspired
their creation and provided assistance to their leaders in carrying out their great acts of
tyranny and oppression. Satan is a Justice Democrat. Satan is a republican. Satan operates
like the CIA. He's the bookie. He plays all sides, and plays them against each other in order
to maintain dominion on Earth.
Luciferian Satanism in Politics Exposed:
Satan in Politics Part II:
Subhaus. Chandra. Bose.The deep state NEO NAZI/NEO MARXIST faction known as the Justice Democrats, Brand New
Congress, Real Justice, or the DSA, is a satanic organization that fuses Nazism with
Communism. The leadership is composed of Marxist, anti-semitic Nazis who admire mass
murderers. They intend to take over the country, which will allow the CIA and the deep state
cabal to end the republic and assume total control. New World Order. All Seeing Eye. Illuminati.
Not buying it? A Nazi coin from the year 2039 inscribed with the words "Alle in Einer Nation"
(All in One Nation) was recently discovered in Mexico.
I told you CERN has been doing experiments and making breakthroughs. The plot has been
outlined for you. I'm only here to present the facts. If you're too stupid and lazy to stand up
for your Constitutional rights, then you don't deserve to live in a free country.
Wood hit this AOC.
Horse teeth, not so much.
That’s my conspiracy theory.
Keep up the good work buddy!
What say you @oregonblitzkrieg? I got a $10 Amazon gift card with your name on it!
Larry doesn't do the animal sacrifices where he stays. He went over to the park mgm with the rest of his plebe workers and did it in their no view rooms.
I have this on good authority