is something I do not get - never watch but it made me think about all the blockbuster movies that I have never seen. So trying to find a list of big time movies is tuff - so many sites but this place has a composite that was about the best I could find
Jeez I need to catch up - from that list, I have not seen: Titanic, Star Wars Episodes VIII VIII, Avengers: Infinity Wars, Marvel's The Avengers, Black Panther, Harry Potter and the (anything), Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Incredibles 2, Fate of the Furious, Iron Man 3, Minions, Captain America: Civil War, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. That was just the worldwide gross.
I grow weary looking at this and from the other 2 lists ET, GWTW, Episode I II, Pirates of the Caribbean, Shrek 2
I guess I don't watch a lot of movies
They were big and a shared cultural thing
Now not so much
Which is why Black Panther will beat #MyJackson & #MyAllie for the gold statuette. ILTCTOTGS.
Two bagger - but totally wood.
Celebrity plus banging body.
One of the more entertaining exercises I’ve ever done was watch every Best Picture winner in order.
I was surprised how some of the older ones were incredibly fresh and interesting (It Happened One Night, The Apartment, All About Eve) and how some of the more modern entries are hot garbage.
Loved this movie.
I’d like to see Spike get an Oscar.
Shallow for best song.
Female actor- that brit from The Favourite.
Male actor- no clue
Still need to see Vice and KKKlansman.
Bale paints Cheney as kind of a Colonel Jessup, you can’t handle the truth, you want me on that wall sort of way. Which is absolutely true. Cheney was generally a fuck - but thank god he was OUR fuck.
I have zero interest in Bohemian Rhapsody for whatever reason. Roma looks like an artistic ordeal. I’ll get to Vice and BlacKKK eventually. Favourite is higher priority.