Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism, though blob has tried to obscure that fact.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
“the greatest terrorism-related threat that we face in the homeland is the threat of domestic violent extremism.”
And yes, white supremacist extremists are the largest share of that terrorism year after year.
Cool red herring ma’am.
So you didn't read it. You took blob's word for what the guy said.
That's a triumph of hope over experience. It's on you. You should have known better.
It took you 4 pages to try to change the topic, madame. You tried to argue against this all day:
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
And failed as usual. But white supremacy is the greatest TERRORIST threat! Which no one mentioned until you brought it up 20 minutes ago. Gangs are much more of a threat than all terrorist groups combined. And it’s not even close. Go back to arguing about East St Louis. You failed at that too, but you didn’t sound quite as dumb as you do now.
White “terrorism” in all of the country = 29…Chicago gang murders in 2021 = 700+
Go take another midol lady. It might make you feel better after getting embarrassed here again.
So no one ever said that white supremacy is the greatest threat to Americans. blob got you girls worked up over a lie he was telling and I'm embarrassed?
Uhhhh, no.
I assumed we all understood this was blob's patented dishonesty at work when I called out his characteristic appeals to racism.
One of the most striking features of white supremacist murders is the large proportion of nonideological killings to ideological killings. Over the past 10 years, only 86 of the 244 white supremacist killings (35%) were ideological murders. The remainder were group-related but not ideological attacks, were related to traditional criminal activities, or were murders for which no clear motive could be determined.
So the ADL gets to determine if something qualifies as a "white suremacist murder" even if the murder isn't for ideological reasons. White racist kills his wife and the ADL will tally that as a "white supremacist" murder. What do you want to bet that same standard isn't applied to black folks.
One of the most striking features of white supremacist murders is the large proportion of nonideological killings to ideological killings. Over the past 10 years, only 86 of the 244 white supremacist killings (35%) were ideological murders. The remainder were group-related but not ideological attacks, were related to traditional criminal activities, or were murders for which no clear motive could be determined.
So the ADL gets to determine if something qualifies as a "white suremacist murder" even if the murder isn't for ideological reasons. White racist kills his wife and the ADL will tally that as a "white supremacist" murder. What do you want to bet that same standard isn't applied to black folks.
The Jews are always smarter than you, blob. Not only the Jews, but the Jews definitely.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Read the piece of garbage Dazzler linked. The ADL tally's something as a "White supremacist murder" even when the murder victims are white and the murder wasn't carried out of ideolgical reasons. It's pure crap.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism, though blob has tried to obscure that fact.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
“the greatest terrorism-related threat that we face in the homeland is the threat of domestic violent extremism.”
And yes, white supremacist extremists are the largest share of that terrorism year after year.
Cool red herring ma’am.
So you didn't read it. You took blob's word for what the guy said.
That's a triumph of hope over experience. It's on you. You should have known better.
It took you 4 pages to try to change the topic, madame. You tried to argue against this all day:
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
And failed as usual. But white supremacy is the greatest TERRORIST threat! Which no one mentioned until you brought it up 20 minutes ago. Gangs are much more of a threat than all terrorist groups combined. And it’s not even close. Go back to arguing about East St Louis. You failed at that too, but you didn’t sound quite as dumb as you do now.
White “terrorism” in all of the country = 29…Chicago gang murders in 2021 = 700+
Go take another midol lady. It might make you feel better after getting embarrassed here again.
So no one ever said that white supremacy is the greatest threat to Americans. blob got you girls worked up over a lie he was telling and I'm embarrassed?
Uhhhh, no.
I assumed we all understood this was blob's patented dishonesty at work when I called out his characteristic appeals to racism.
I gave you gals too much credit. That's on me.
No, you couldn’t formulate an coherent response so you spent the day in hysterics about East St Louis, then when that fell flat, you reframed the argument. After several hours you threw a Hail Mary to reframe the original argument.
“White” Terrorism is harped on at Al Sharpton event and you’re baffled at why there is a race angle. You’re red herring is noted, madame.
One of the most striking features of white supremacist murders is the large proportion of nonideological killings to ideological killings. Over the past 10 years, only 86 of the 244 white supremacist killings (35%) were ideological murders. The remainder were group-related but not ideological attacks, were related to traditional criminal activities, or were murders for which no clear motive could be determined.
So the ADL gets to determine if something qualifies as a "white suremacist murder" even if the murder isn't for ideological reasons. White racist kills his wife and the ADL will tally that as a "white supremacist" murder. What do you want to bet that same standard isn't applied to black folks.
The Jews are always smarter than you, blob. Not only the Jews, but the Jews definitely.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to defend that steaming pile of bullshit you linked either Dazzler.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Read the piece of garbage Dazzler linked. The ADL tally's something as a "White supremacist murder" even when the murder victims are white and the murder wasn't carried out of ideolgical reasons. It's pure crap.
White guy murders his white wife and because the white guy is a racist that's counted a "white supremacist murder" by the ADL. Hispanic gang specifically targets rival blacks gangs for murder and firebombing and that's not counted as domestic extremism violence by the ADL.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Read the piece of garbage Dazzler linked. The ADL tally's something as a "White supremacist murder" even when the murder victims are white and the murder wasn't carried out of ideolgical reasons. It's pure crap.
Toxic masculinity and the monosphere!
Leading cause of death for black males under 40 is murder. Most often that murder carried out by another black person. Often these murders go unsolved because the people who know something or might have seen something are intimidated into not testifying or talking with the police. Snitches get stitches.
But according to Dazzler and the ADL we're to believe that none of this is a form of domestic terrorism.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Read the piece of garbage Dazzler linked. The ADL tally's something as a "White supremacist murder" even when the murder victims are white and the murder wasn't carried out of ideolgical reasons. It's pure crap.
Toxic masculinity and the monosphere!
Leading cause of death for black males under 40 is murder. Most often that murder carried out by another black person. Often these murders go unsolved because the people who know something or might have seen something are intimidated into not testifying or talking with the police. Snitches get stitches.
But according to Dazzler and the ADL we're to believe that none of this is a form of domestic terrorism.
But the article said white supremacy is the greatest TERRORISM threat you dummy! No one said it was worse than gang murders! That’s why Mayorkas went to give a speech about it to Al Sharptons group. Madam
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Let's be clear, it's the dems trying to label anyone they disagree with as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Pick your favorite group they've labeled as a white supremacist group that has nothing to do with actual racist white nationalists over the last 4 years.
In 2021, domestic extremists killed at least 29 people in the United States, in 19 separate incidents. This represents a modest increase from the 23 extremist-related murders documented in 2020 but is far lower than the number of murders committed in any of the five years prior (which ranged from 45 to 78).
The 2021 murder totals were low primarily because no high-casualty extremist-related shooting spree occurred this past year. Such sprees are the main contributor to high murder totals.
Most of the murders (26 of 29) were committed by right-wing extremists, which is usually the case. However, two killings were committed by Black nationalists and one by an Islamist extremist—the latter being the first such killing since 2018.
Most of the 2021 murders were committed by people associated with longstanding extremist movements, such as white supremacy and the sovereign citizen movement. However, 2021 continued the trend of recent years of seeing some murders from newer types of extremism, including QAnon adherents, people associated with the toxic masculinity subculture of the “manosphere” and anti-vaccination extremists.
White supremacists killed more people in 2021 than any other type of extremist, though not an outright majority, as is often the case. An in-depth look at white supremacist killings over the past 10 years demonstrates the dangers posed by alt right white supremacists and white supremacist prison gangs
These people aren’t extremists though…so no big deal.
Gangster Disciples Vice Lords Black P. Stones Latin Kings Black Disciples Maniac Latin Disciples Spanish Cobras Almighty Saints Spanish Gangster Disciples Simon City Royals Imperial Gangsters Insane Deuces Orquestra Albany Latin Eagles Latin Jivers Northside Popes Satan Disciples La Raza Milwaukee Kings Chi West Latin Stylers Brazers Latin Counts Bishops Harrison Gents Spanish Lords Vikings Sircon City Gangsters Mickey Cobras 614 Ambrose Two-Six Twelfth Street Players Black Souls Four Corner Hustlers Latin Lovers C-Notes Jousters Latin Brothers Insane Unknowns Insane Dragons Pachuchos New Breeds Flip City Kings Outlaw Loko Bloods AKrho Pinoy Vietnamese Clan Cambodian Mafia Bahala Na Gang Barrio Pobre
The subject was terrorism.
Absolutely no one said terrorists kill more Americans than criminal gangs do.
Check the facts, madame. The argument was that “white supremacist” aren’t the greatest threat to America as the left espouses. No one said terrorist threat, lady.
Here is the op for your reading pleasure.
“I'd love to compare the body counts of a year's worth of killings carried out by White supremacists, to your typical 3-day weekend of murders and shootings carried out by gang-bangers in Chicago, Baltimore and East St. Louis.”
Even the writer of blob's linked piece understood the subject was terrorism, not crime generally. Did you read it?
"This is not the first time that Mayorkas has blamed the greatest threat of domestic terrorism on White supremacists."
Liar. White supremacy isn't even close to greatest threat we face.
Herr dazzler is arguing that of all the terrorist threats, which is close to zero, white supremacist terrorism is the worst.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Read the piece of garbage Dazzler linked. The ADL tally's something as a "White supremacist murder" even when the murder victims are white and the murder wasn't carried out of ideolgical reasons. It's pure crap.
Toxic masculinity and the monosphere!
Leading cause of death for black males under 40 is murder. Most often that murder carried out by another black person. Often these murders go unsolved because the people who know something or might have seen something are intimidated into not testifying or talking with the police. Snitches get stitches.
But according to Dazzler and the ADL we're to believe that none of this is a form of domestic terrorism.
But the article said white supremacy is the greatest TERRORISM threat you dummy! No one said it was worse than gang murders! That’s why Mayorkas went to give a speech about it to Al Sharptons group. Madam
That ADL report Dazzler linked is a laughable joke.
Fresno, California, April 13, 2021: Brandon Engelman was arrested after allegedly fatally shooting a man with whom he had long been feuding. Engelman, according to law enforcement, is a member of the Fresnecks, a local white supremacist street gang.
That's one of the examples of an white supremacist "extremist" murder they cite. Only one problem. the guy he murdered was a white guy.
Pacer Dewayne Hampton
They cite incidents of domestic violence where the guy kills his white girlfriend/wife or kills their own brother and all of it is caluculated as an incident of domestic extremism. Killing someone, even someone who is also white is counted as domestic extremism if the killer has a Nazi tatoo.
So out of all the murders, the .001% that were done by terrorists, the whites did the most. So to answer the original question, out of 20,000 murders in 2021, the biggest threat we face is from people who committed 29.
But but but…the 29 murders were terrorism and the article said whites did the most!!!!
Fucking idiot.
Uhhhh, no.
I assumed we all understood this was blob's patented dishonesty at work when I called out his characteristic appeals to racism.
I gave you gals too much credit. That's on me.
One of the most striking features of white supremacist murders is the large proportion of nonideological killings to ideological killings. Over the past 10 years, only 86 of the 244 white supremacist killings (35%) were ideological murders. The remainder were group-related but not ideological attacks, were related to traditional criminal activities, or were murders for which no clear motive could be determined.
So the ADL gets to determine if something qualifies as a "white suremacist murder" even if the murder isn't for ideological reasons. White racist kills his wife and the ADL will tally that as a "white supremacist" murder. What do you want to bet that same standard isn't applied to black folks.
“White” Terrorism is harped on at Al Sharpton event and you’re baffled at why there is a race angle. You’re red herring is noted, madame.
But according to Dazzler and the ADL we're to believe that none of this is a form of domestic terrorism.
Fresno, California, April 13, 2021: Brandon Engelman was arrested after allegedly fatally shooting a man with whom he had long been feuding. Engelman, according to law enforcement, is a member of the Fresnecks, a local white supremacist street gang.
That's one of the examples of an white supremacist "extremist" murder they cite. Only one problem. the guy he murdered was a white guy.
Pacer Dewayne Hampton
They cite incidents of domestic violence where the guy kills his white girlfriend/wife or kills their own brother and all of it is caluculated as an incident of domestic extremism. Killing someone, even someone who is also white is counted as domestic extremism if the killer has a Nazi tatoo.
White nationalist terrorist groups killed 29 people in 2021, nationwide, according to HH.
In tiny East Saint Louis, there were 31 homicides over that same period.
HH you’d make a really shitty trial lawyer.