So I had a physical a couple of months ago. My Dr is not a CoronaBro. He thinks most of what we have done as far as public policy is bullshit. I asked him if I got sick would he prescribe the horse paste. He said if he did he could lose his license in Washington (UW med school) He said at that moment he would like to prescribe it. He doesn’t know how well it works, but there is no downside if the alternative is to do nothing. He said it’s completely safe and the worst thing that would happen is nothing. He and another Dr are trying to get monoclonal antibody clinics set up like in Florida but are getting stymied by the state. Told me there is access to MA at the hospital but with the current state guidelines I wouldn’t be able to get it. He said there are some good therapeutic drugs on the horizon that should be a game changer and will work better than Ivermectin.
That’s pretty much it. PM me any questions.
Well, HCQ and Ivermectin have been on the horizon for years, are safe and cheap and as least as effective as Tylenol. Given the strong anecdotal evidence along with unofficial studies not sanctioned by our FDA and CDC who won't fund blind trials because reasons... Seems literally tens of thousands of Americans are dead from a chicom virus created with the approval and funding of our US medical bureaucracy who then refused effective medical treatment for either prophylactic use for high risk Americans and certainly as an early intervention for positive cases. I'm only aware of Tucker who has been all over this that has any kind of major microphone. The MSM and the entire US entertainment media view and promote Tucker as a crazed lunatic who should be silenced and taken off the air. Tucker's track record is much better than anyone at CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post and yet he is the supposed embarrassment to the "profession".
So I had a physical a couple of months ago. My Dr is not a CoronaBro. He thinks most of what we have done as far as public policy is bullshit. I asked him if I got sick would he prescribe the horse paste. He said if he did he could lose his license in Washington (UW med school) He said at that moment he would like to prescribe it. He doesn’t know how well it works, but there is no downside if the alternative is to do nothing. He said it’s completely safe and the worst thing that would happen is nothing. He and another Dr are trying to get monoclonal antibody clinics set up like in Florida but are getting stymied by the state. Told me there is access to MA at the hospital but with the current state guidelines I wouldn’t be able to get it. He said there are some good therapeutic drugs on the horizon that should be a game changer and will work better than Ivermectin.
That’s pretty much it. PM me any questions.
Why are they fighting the antibodies... got those in idaho
Geezus, just give me a couple of million dollars and I'll be happy to tell the truth and I wouldn't be claiming some delicate balance. You know what I'd call hanging Fow Chee in the public square? A good start.
Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives by WorldTribune Staff, December 9, 2021
In a stunning admission, virologist Dr. Andrew Hill acknowledged in a zoom call that publication of his study could lead to the deaths of at least a half million people.
In defending his reversal on the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, he discussed his “difficult situation” and said, “I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance.”
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
We? know, you don't know what it's like to have actual principles.
Maybe some day. Likely not any soon.
We disagree on reality. You think masks don’t work, the vaccine changes your dna, attacking the capitol is no big deal, protesting the police murdering black people is communism and Trump never even met Jeffrey Epstein.
I follow the science and rely on actual facts. Very different, you and I.
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
We? know, you don't know what it's like to have actual principles.
Maybe some day. Likely not any soon.
We disagree on reality. You think masks don’t work, the vaccine changes your dna, attacking the capitol is no big deal, protesting the police murdering black people is communism and Trump never even met Jeffrey Epstein.
I follow the science and rely on actual facts. Very different, you and I.
We disagree on reality.
Agree. 100%
I get little, if any, of my news from MSM outlets. You? It shows.
I have no idea. I don't think I've used this argument a single tim. It's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.
attacking the capitol is no big deal
It is a very big deal. Let me know the first time it happens.
In the current circumstance, Gov Witmer thinks there were more feds at Jan 6 than there were that tried to abduct her. 12 of 15 for those keeping score at home. #falseflag #yougotplayedagain #youwillbelieveanything
protesting the police murdering black people is communism
I'm next to Mike ****** on the need for police reform. You want to defund that effort.
It's tims like this that make me think you a special kind of stupid.
Trump never even met Jeffrey Epstein
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar'a-lago, and out of his sphere of influence, long before anyone else. 15 years before.
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
We? know, you don't know what it's like to have actual principles.
Maybe some day. Likely not any soon.
We disagree on reality. You think masks don’t work, the vaccine changes your dna, attacking the capitol is no big deal, protesting the police murdering black people is communism and Trump never even met Jeffrey Epstein.
I follow the science and rely on actual facts. Very different, you and I.
Masks don't work.
Very different you and I. I'm smart and you're not.
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
You realize blacks have the highest % of an unvaccinated population group, right? Do you want all blacks to die who refuse the vaccine for their cause or just the ones with a religious objection?
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
You realize blacks have the highest % of an unvaccinated population group, right? Do you want all blacks to die who refuse the vaccine for their cause or just the ones with a religious objection?
@TheKobeStopper doesn't seem to understand that the racism he covets is in the mirror.
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
You realize blacks have the highest % of an unvaccinated population group, right? Do you want all blacks to die who refuse the vaccine for their cause or just the ones with a religious objection?
Leftards are so stupid. Obviously, Trump who is vaccinated even though he had superior natural immunity after recovering from the chicom crud is behind the entire anti-vaxx movement. I'm probably the norm on vaccination for a Trump supporter. If you have had the crud and recovered, then don't get jabbed. If you are older or have underlying conditions, get jabbed. If you are a healthy adult over age 18, then I wouldn't, but would have an Ivermectin supply as a backup. If I were a parent, I would not have my kid jabbed in a free world. That's what I view as the science. I got the J&J jab which is not a mRNA jab. I'd stay away from the Pfizer or Moderna jab if possible.
So, there are true anti-vaxxers. Some are Trump supporters, but the biggest anti-vaxxers are blacks and hispanics which voted for the dementia patient who supports the WHO and the American medical bureaucracy which helped the chicoms create the chicom crud.
If we had an active press and an honest NFL, we would know how many NFL players tested positive by vaccine status, the number hospitalized and the number of deaths. Instead, they dumped all over Aaron Rogers for not getting vaxxed, taking the horse paste (like Rogan) and then surviving the death sentence that is the chicom crud. Every week we get a number of NFL players and coaches going into the chicom crud protocol. Then that's it. They all seem to spend the 10 days or clean tests and then they are back.
But when vaccines became available, they couldn’t take them because of direct ties to aborted fetal cells.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
You realize blacks have the highest % of an unvaccinated population group, right? Do you want all blacks to die who refuse the vaccine for their cause or just the ones with a religious objection?
Leftards are so stupid. Obviously, Trump who is vaccinated even though he had superior natural immunity after recovering from the chicom crud is behind the entire anti-vaxx movement. I'm probably the norm on vaccination for a Trump supporter. If you have had the crud and recovered, then don't get jabbed. If you are older or have underlying conditions, get jabbed. If you are a healthy adult over age 18, then I wouldn't, but would have an Ivermectin supply as a backup. If I were a parent, I would not have my kid jabbed in a free world. That's what I view as the science. I got the J&J jab which is not a mRNA jab. I'd stay away from the Pfizer or Moderna jab if possible.
So, there are true anti-vaxxers. Some are Trump supporters, but the biggest anti-vaxxers are blacks and hispanics which voted for the dementia patient who supports the WHO and the American medical bureaucracy which helped the chicoms create the chicom crud.
If we have an active press and an honest NFL, we would no how many NFL players tested positive by vaccine status, the number hospitalized and the number of deaths. Instead, they dumped all over Aaron Rogers for not getting vaxxed, toking the horse paste (like Rogan) and then surviving the death sentence that is the chicom crud. Every week we get a number of NFL players and coaches going into the chicom crud protocol. Then that's it. They all seem to spend the 10 days or clean tests and then they are back.
Those with insomnia may wish to copy Gasbag's poast.
Three paragraphs of basic facts and the dazzler is lost and confused. Can you imagine our mythical attorney trying to right a legal document? I pity his theoretical clients.
Am unaware of availability in various states.
Researcher Andrew Hill’s conflict: A $40 million Gates Foundation grant vs a half million human lives
by WorldTribune Staff, December 9, 2021
In a stunning admission, virologist Dr. Andrew Hill acknowledged in a zoom call that publication of his study could lead to the deaths of at least a half million people.
In defending his reversal on the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, he discussed his “difficult situation” and said, “I’ve got this role where I’m supposed to produce this paper and we’re in a very difficult, delicate balance.”
Of course, the media will deride those family members as anti-science, crazed trumpers but still ... that justice will be deserved.
I support all Trumpers who die for their cause.
Maybe some day. Likely not any soon.
I follow the science and rely on actual facts. Very different, you and I.
We disagree on reality.
Agree. 100%
I get little, if any, of my news from MSM outlets. You? It shows.
You think masks don’t work
Fast fwd to the 5:15 mark
These are the two studies he’s talking about:
Conclusion, masks only have 15-20% efficacy rate.
Personally, I think those studies are confusing to read/understand. So I use the dummy-method because, as you said, I’m not very smart
the vaccine changes your dna
I have no idea. I don't think I've used this argument a single tim. It's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.
attacking the capitol is no big deal
It is a very big deal. Let me know the first time it happens.
In the current circumstance, Gov Witmer thinks there were more feds at Jan 6 than there were that tried to abduct her. 12 of 15 for those keeping score at home. #falseflag #yougotplayedagain #youwillbelieveanything
protesting the police murdering black people is communism
I'm next to Mike ****** on the need for police reform. You want to defund that effort.
It's tims like this that make me think you a special kind of stupid.
Trump never even met Jeffrey Epstein
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar'a-lago, and out of his sphere of influence, long before anyone else. 15 years before.
That's a fact, not an opinion.
Very different you and I. I'm smart and you're not.
So, there are true anti-vaxxers. Some are Trump supporters, but the biggest anti-vaxxers are blacks and hispanics which voted for the dementia patient who supports the WHO and the American medical bureaucracy which helped the chicoms create the chicom crud.
If we had an active press and an honest NFL, we would know how many NFL players tested positive by vaccine status, the number hospitalized and the number of deaths. Instead, they dumped all over Aaron Rogers for not getting vaxxed, taking the horse paste (like Rogan) and then surviving the death sentence that is the chicom crud. Every week we get a number of NFL players and coaches going into the chicom crud protocol. Then that's it. They all seem to spend the 10 days or clean tests and then they are back.