Biden's numbers are horrible. Actually they are the worst ever. The worst ever because he has a fawning press that is daily polishing this turn rather than flush it like the stank pile of shit it is. Take away the dishonest press and have a congress that would actually do their job and investigate the obvious corruption by biden and his family. Then even the most dishonest with themselves rat would concede that biden's numbers would probably be in the low 20's if not teens with impeachment right around the corner.
Nothing in the history of biden has been of quality. Not his parental skills, as a husband, his time as a member of congress, as VP, and especially now as President. Virtually everything he has touched since in office this past year has turned to shit, made this country less of what it should be. The polls prove it. He is not qualified and don't get me started on head board harris.
As incredible as all the aforementioned is, it does not surprise me one bit. As most of you, I expected this disaster. I have always preached that politics are cyclical, that things go back and forth. Biden is the perfect vessel to make sure that the far left scares the center and right enough to take things back and prove my cyclical theory. By perfect vessel I mean he is such a lightweight non-thinker that he is easily manipulated and lead around by the nose.
What is astonishing to me is the hold the wacko left in this party has on biden and their side of congress. I mean the driving force behind this push for socialism and ever lasting power over the people is in part a group of women who are avowed bigots and racists. Truth be known they hate everyone but themselves, the elites, but that is for another post. They are on the precipice of sending out country into a tail spin the likes of which none of us have seen before.
Some are coming to the realization that they better grab what they can now. They understand what over reach is and they see the polling numbers. I think they are right. When people understand that they have to start telling the IRS everything about their spending habits and that the left actually is hurting jobs, killing the middle class and driving the cost of food and living up past sustainable levels for everyone but the rich, there will be a revolt.
This rat writer gets it.. The next two months are going to be interesting for sure. My guess is the rats are too power hungry to stop and see what they are doing with their efforts to transform into socialism and fundamentally change this country to a big government driven entity. If I was them I would go for the 1.5 trillion and live to fight another day but I think we all know what they will do. If biden were a coherent and decent leader this would never happen. He is astonishingly bad and the far left wacko's are astonishingly bold in their effort to control and force their will/power over the majority. up, progressives, and take what you can get
AOC, meet the real world. Real world, AOC. Not sure you’ve met.
Under optimal conditions, President Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion (over 10 years) infrastructure bill would be everything we dreamed of and more. Nearly $2 trillion providing a middle-class tax cut, decreased prescription drug prices, the adoption of vision, dental and hearing benefits into Medicare and numerous other “human infrastructure” investments. More than $700 billion toward establishing free universal preschool, child care for working families, tuition-free community college and Pell Grant extensions for higher education. Hundreds of billions to develop clean energy initiatives and address the mounting threat of climate change.
Were the country on firmer footing, we’d take all of this, pass it in tandem with the more modest, more bipartisan $1.2 trillion package that funds conventional infrastructure like roads and bridges, and celebrate the most consequential domestic investment legislation since LBJ’s Great Society.
But the world is not perfect, and the country is not on firm footing. In fact, we’re on just about the shakiest ground since…well, probably around early 1861. And if I remember my history correctly, those next few years weren’t pretty.
The play is create as much chaos and destruction under the watch of the old man and use him as a scape goat so they can preach hope and change again come 2024.
Biden's dementia is an asset to the Democratic party.
You cant run Biden again. But Harris is so awful she cant win. But you cant run someone else instead of her or they are racist.
Whats the plan here?
Run a smear campaign against the GOP challenger. Racist. Elect the first Black female POTUS. This is key. The corrupt media will do their part to make it historical. Won’t matter that she’s totally unfit.
And of course the cheat will be their ace in the hole if Americans in great enough numbers don’t fall for the entire charade.
Enough will. No one watches CNN but ask any leftist and they will tell you CNN reports from the center and they believe the vast majority of people operate and think just as they do. These people are delusional and you just need a few to fall in line to trick the rest into feeling as if they too must deny reality.
People keep underestimating the machine. Biden is the most popular President in American History.