Melting down trumptards insist impeachment helps the obese orange fool.
“What’s the end game!?! Good luck in 2020 hahahahahaha!”
Meanwhile, they can’t accept the reality that fat boy is going to be impeached and his senate trial is imminent. Their reactions are volatile and psychotic.
Which is trumptards? If you’re looking forward to impeachment, you’re going to get it.
Melting down trumptards insist impeachment helps the obese orange fool.
“What’s the end game!?! Good luck in 2020 hahahahahaha!”
Meanwhile, they can’t accept the reality that fat boy is going to be impeached and his senate trial is imminent. Their reactions are volatile and psychotic.
Which is trumptards? If you’re looking forward to impeachment, you’re going to get it.
No, you didn’t. I understand that you’re upset. But why shouldn’t the GOP run an an acceptable candidate, and why do I care who runs against him? Can you please explain?
Losers lie. That is you guys. Biden had a quid pro quo. Leave my cokehead alone and they did. Biden and Barry could give a sh*t about Ukrainian corruption as long as Biden's family got paid. Just like you leftards didn't care about Barry's administration working with the Russians and Ukrainians to spy on the Trump campaign. We read the transcript. I have no problem with Trump being concerned about Ukrainian corruption. The question is why you aren't. Actually just a rhetorical question.
“What’s the end game!?! Good luck in 2020 hahahahahaha!”
Meanwhile, they can’t accept the reality that fat boy is going to be impeached and his senate trial is imminent. Their reactions are volatile and psychotic.
Which is trumptards? If you’re looking forward to impeachment, you’re going to get it.
Planning an impeachment before a President is sworn into office.
Continuing down the impeachment rabbitt hole with no evidence.
A 2.5 year wild goose chase for Russia, Russia, Russia.
House Dems refusing to work on actual legislation.
Complete clown show regarding a Supreme Court nominee.
The list doesn't end..........
All because the little bitches lost in 2016.
Whiners can't win so they hold their breath and stomp their feet.
Keep rooting for the away team. That will go a long way in helping Americans and their country.
It's obvious the United States is not your choice of countries to succeed.
Try it this time moron
Everyone knows it
Hope this helps
Note to @CD: sweat is not the preferred lube of the non-obese.
"Acceptable candidate" that won the election. We lost so now we act like children that didn't get their nap.
Great look for the future.