Somehow last week I happened upon a couple Christina Aguilera videos from her late teens/early twenties.
Holy shit - I rubbed the genie in my bottle.
She was my second choice after Bey. Hot as fuck before she got chubby and she can sing too.
Not as hot as in her heyday. But she needed a little more meat on her bones. More cushion for the pushin. Look at that bubble butt. That's a damn nice figure.
Ugly women like Janis or Aretha could usually out sing the hot ones any day of the week.
I'm surprised you didn't mention Ella
Etta, Ella, etc...the list is long. Fat and not very attractive usually equates to better over all pipes. It's also really hard to compare those vocalists with today's and all the gimmickry that occurs in the studio.
I don't get the infatuation with lame pop stars like her. Might as well go watch some porn and skip the shitty cookie cutter music.
Oh god Oh god, it's shaved.
Holy shit - I rubbed the genie in my bottle.
This is how I choose to remember her.