Troy Is a good bullshitter, I can tell. Deborah's Scott Boras agent is fully inserted and not pulling out. KDs value is going up by the second, why would they negotiate now? Sell the top. There's a very good possibility the top hasn't happened yet and there's not a huge risk of his standing offer, whatever it may be, falling much with a loss at this point. This is a shrewd agent putting out all the right quotables for his client and Troy. At least Troy seems to enjoy being filled and we're willing to get it done. That's the important thing, I suppose. I still shudder to think about what's going to happen to DeBo's value if/when we beat/throttle Michigan. Dude is going to be driving a purple gravy train with purple biscuit wheels. And then that salary will look small in 3 years as the biscuit wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
Troy Is a good bullshitter, I can tell. Deborah's Scott Boras agent is fully inserted and not pulling out. KDs value is going up by the second, why would they negotiate now? Sell the top. There's a very good possibility the top hasn't happened yet and there's not a huge risk of his standing offer, whatever it may be, falling much with a loss at this point. This is a shrewd agent putting out all the right quotables for his client and Troy. At least Troy seems to enjoy being filled and we're willing to get it done. That's the important thing, I suppose. I still shudder to think about what's going to happen to DeBo's value if/when we beat/throttle Michigan. Dude is going to be driving a purple gravy train with purple biscuit wheels. And then that salary will look small in 3 years as the biscuit wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
a&m gets tons of talent and then does nothing with it
This is DeBoer, not Jimbo, in case you need help remembering that
Someone on the twatters a while ago said that A&M's recruiting was going to cost Bama or Georgia a Natty.
Which is manifesting right now.
It's why Ohio State and Alabama are some of the biggest complainers about the portal and NIL.
They are of the ilk "When it was illegal, we were cheating the right way, now that it's legal, you are all corrupt and ruined everything for the kids."
Troy Is a good bullshitter, I can tell. Deborah's Scott Boras agent is fully inserted and not pulling out. KDs value is going up by the second, why would they negotiate now? Sell the top. There's a very good possibility the top hasn't happened yet and there's not a huge risk of his standing offer, whatever it may be, falling much with a loss at this point. This is a shrewd agent putting out all the right quotables for his client and Troy. At least Troy seems to enjoy being filled and we're willing to get it done. That's the important thing, I suppose. I still shudder to think about what's going to happen to DeBo's value if/when we beat/throttle Michigan. Dude is going to be driving a purple gravy train with purple biscuit wheels. And then that salary will look small in 3 years as the biscuit wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
Who gives a shit
Pay him
Not mine or our? money
Exactly. I hate when fans try to play GM. On the flip side, how many Coog fans get to enjoy the litigated PAC money? Zero. I’ll take the trophies.
Troy Is a good bullshitter, I can tell. Deborah's Scott Boras agent is fully inserted and not pulling out. KDs value is going up by the second, why would they negotiate now? Sell the top. There's a very good possibility the top hasn't happened yet and there's not a huge risk of his standing offer, whatever it may be, falling much with a loss at this point. This is a shrewd agent putting out all the right quotables for his client and Troy. At least Troy seems to enjoy being filled and we're willing to get it done. That's the important thing, I suppose. I still shudder to think about what's going to happen to DeBo's value if/when we beat/throttle Michigan. Dude is going to be driving a purple gravy train with purple biscuit wheels. And then that salary will look small in 3 years as the biscuit wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
Who gives a shit
Pay him
Not mine or our? money
I mean yeah, you're right, no shit, but that's one of the most numb and pointless comments/retorts I've ever seen. It's almost admirable.
Troy Is a good bullshitter, I can tell. Deborah's Scott Boras agent is fully inserted and not pulling out. KDs value is going up by the second, why would they negotiate now? Sell the top. There's a very good possibility the top hasn't happened yet and there's not a huge risk of his standing offer, whatever it may be, falling much with a loss at this point. This is a shrewd agent putting out all the right quotables for his client and Troy. At least Troy seems to enjoy being filled and we're willing to get it done. That's the important thing, I suppose. I still shudder to think about what's going to happen to DeBo's value if/when we beat/throttle Michigan. Dude is going to be driving a purple gravy train with purple biscuit wheels. And then that salary will look small in 3 years as the biscuit wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
Who gives a shit
Pay him
Not mine or our? money
Exactly. I hate when fans try to play GM. On the flip side, how many Coog fans get to enjoy the litigated PAC money? Zero. I’ll take the trophies.
If I had to choose between my favorite team winning a trophy or being a fan, especially a Coug fan, who receives no money, I'm going to take the former every time.
College enrollments are still waaaaay down after the last few years of absurdity and the fact that many professors are so lame that they now only want to teach via Zoom. So, if UW can point to a national championship football game as helping drive enrollment bigly, that's good for everyone. And it will make the eight-figure salary coming to DeBoer much more palatable.
(And yes, I know admission $$ doesn't pay DeBoer's salary, but still.)
This won’t improve the quality of pretty girls at WA and it won’t allow for more in-state students to attend. IDGAF.
As a pretty girl with wasted college, I recommend that other pretty girls like me go to trade school for HVAC repair or welding. Doesn't matter where. Being a linewoman for the county also pays well.
Pay him
Not mine or our? money
Which is manifesting right now.
They are of the ilk "When it was illegal, we were cheating the right way, now that it's legal, you are all corrupt and ruined everything for the kids."
(And yes, I know admission $$ doesn't pay DeBoer's salary, but still.)
National brand
National brand
Does this have something to do with Kornhole's suit and tie matching our helmet? Cuz I see it.