I tell my daughters this story when they don't eat their cereal in the morning and act tuff when they tell me "NO!". Guess what? They wolf that shit down after this cautionary tale of woe. … (View Post)
They whiffed on the top ten in state prospects. That is continuing a poor trend started by his predecessor. Not even Sark did that and he DNGAF about Washington State. After Croswell and Robertson th… (View Post)
Teddy Bruschi was pretty fucking good. Anchor of Desert Swarm and won a couple rings at the next level. Other than that it all made perfect sense, couldn't find a fault. (View Post)
Ten years since UW has won against a top ten team. TEN fucking YEARS!!! Hell of a game for the football recruits to be a part of. Five rows behind Greens game winner. I'm dooging diamond hard. (View Post)