Pre Scout/247/Rivals I know Neuheisel landed some highly rated classes while wooing recruits with a float plane and obviously James had things rolling late 80's and early 90's. But in my lifetime thi… (View Post)
Fuck you guys. Fatters is extremely busy right now and has a lot on his plate. You try writing positional breakdowns four times a year then pop off! (View Post)
Told u guys!!! You all thought I was joking. Eat shit Roof. Fuck Ektard. Huge pickup tonight for the Dawgs!! This kids leg will be legendary. Don't worry, there's more to come for the '18 and '19 cla… (View Post)
Do you have to be human to apply? As long as he's not already condemned to the glue factory I'm thinking this is a great opportunity for @spirithorse to break into the industry. (View Post)