All US governors, all 50 of them, are the enemy. If it isn't clear enough yet, it will be soon. Everyone already knows the democrats are vile Nazis, so are the Republicans, and some of them have been… (View Post)
Their magic number is 500,000,000, according to the Georgia Guidestones, which were allegedly created by "RC Christian," aka Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard, who called himself the antich… (View Post)
You have too much faith in people. With some exception, the Plandemic has revealed the true nature of the people USA. It really is the Land of the Sheep, Home of the Slave. What the history of Nazi G… (View Post)
Hollywood is not your ally. But they know things. So pay attention to the movies, it's all connected - to the CIA, to CERN, to the Global Satanic Cabal and the "Internet of Things." And so … (View Post)