There's nothing that's said that one way or another, so it doesn't matter. I never made that assertion. Just calling you out for the many lies you throw out there that are complete bullshit. (View Post)
Looks to me like she lists her previous employers on her account (Oregon, Auburn, Nike). Also looks like it's her personal, not her work, twitter. Imagine getting upset over something like this. The … (View Post)
Glad he is sitting out. I honestly like the trend of NFL prospects sitting out the non-Playoff bowl games. They are meaningless and it's FS to play in them if you're going to the league. Literally no… (View Post)
Looks like a lot of Fatters King County All Star inflation to me. If you'd take UW's QB Stable over Bama, Ohio State, Clemson, or UGA, you're FS. But we already know that. (View Post)