Acropolis is a nobody with no real connections. None of these Twitter pretenders know anything, Sonics is the only internet half brain I actually think has legit intel, and his shit is wrong half the… (View Post)
We've fallen so far that the doogs are celebrating offers being given out. Not commits or visits, just that offers are made. It's wild. I can't think of anything less exciting than an offer going out. (View Post)
Mario ran the most flash over substance program in the country, now he’s talking about “playing football.” Lmao. Did he bring the Oregon duck throne chair with him to Miami? (View Post)
It's good this dude wanted to come home, but weird he only saw the field in two games. It's not like ASU is stacked at the receiver position. (View Post)
KOMO 4. And also: Hafley is a rising star. You may not love him and he’s almost certainly not coming to… (View Post)