Bad habit he learned from Ballz: identify the answer you want, and pretend break it down with scouting reports. I mean, if Verdell isn't very fast and doesn't have wiggle (both of which I'd generally… (View Post)
Come one where? What do you want me to say? That that he's been surprisingly good? He's been surprisingly good. I'm not ready to say he'll be in Canton just yet. I know Washington had a long dry run … (View Post)
I'll say it again: overly enthusiastic neighborhood watch, and a loaded gun. What could possibly go wrong? When you're on your property, do what you have to do to defend your castle. But fuck. Don't … (View Post)
My favorite part of that wasn't the play itself (mostly), but the announcers jabbering about it. Last thing you hear before the snap is "it's important ... every yard they gain here adds to the … (View Post)