And yet in what way does that have anything to do with this post you quoted? But since you want to take that turn, (1) we've established that I'm a religious bigot - in that I think it's all stupid -… (View Post)
Suggestions about the discipline hole are still not going over well with Mrs. Creep. On the work front, I think my last "Dumb Fucking Donkey" has been referred to HR. (View Post)
Bob just doesn't count upvotes. He just doesn't care. He's just one of those guys. Rolls right off his back. Bob also isn't focused 24/7 on homosexuality. Not. At. All. Bob never makes shit up to pro… (View Post)
someone is really having a hard time applying ointment to his rash from yesterday. how exactly does this directly affect your life? #womensfieldhockeyscaresme #switchitup (View Post)