I was in my early 20s or so when some of the big stars (Trevino, Watson, Jack) hit the senior tour. I set a 30 year goal to make it. Nobody asked, but for the record I fell a little short. (View Post)
I wonder if he uses that Lume full body deodorant stuff in all of those crevasses. He could single handedly keep that company afloat and keep that gross, crazy lady onscreen. If I didn't dislike him … (View Post)
Another example...like someone pointed out recently, Paul Dejong just signed with someone for basically the league minimum. He could be the backup infielder at every position and hits home runs. I'm … (View Post)
I packed around an old standard 3/5/7/9 set, plus a 2 iron, for many years. I went from shooting in the 60s per 9 to dipping under 100 for 18 using that set. I thought I was pretty uptown when I got … (View Post)