FAFO; the modern version of see you after school. You know what was most eye opening about joining the Marines? How easy it is to kill a person. Dickheads like you think it’s playground rules and som… (View Post)
That’s not how it works. If you mention the downvote then you influence the results. You have to wait and see if the post gets a downvote before you can comment on the downvote. Think of it as Schröd… (View Post)
It happened to me. I was sitting in Reagan International, having just arrived home from my last deployment, and I got a call from my command informing me that Obama was force retiring a huge segment … (View Post)
Intent doesn’t matter. I worked in a secure area and handled Classified and Unclassified material. If you you accidentally mixed Classified information into Unclassified folders, and left the secure … (View Post)