Yes I did, because Mr. Fifth-grader as usual resorts to his indignant spray-can response, even though my post wasn't even directed at him. It's really great of you to rush to his defense, though. Wha… (View Post)
Sorry, I don't play your silly "let's hate on educk" games. I don't know who the fuck you're talking about, and I don't give a shit what you little gossiping Alices have to say. (View Post)
Okay, so just to clarify, you're saying the Quooks will come up with some excuse, while you know that the real problem is Helfrich and Frost? (The "problem" being that you weren't impressed… (View Post)
As you pointed out, there is no validity to that claim. Similarly, there is no validity to the claim that Slingblade is an unmitigated disaster. If you look only at their first year results, Helf arg… (View Post)