Everyone knows who you voted for because you showed up the week after the 2020 election along with the others like @BearsWiin (RIP). You'll stick around here for another few days then sulk off like a… (View Post)
Citizens ARE entitled to a speedy trial by a jury of their peers. The pussy hat mob storming the Capital chuckles at your hypocrisy. Fuck off. (View Post)
My eyes are fine. Do you want to continue to dodge the rights afforded to citizens under the Constitution? Do you even acknowledge there is a Constitution that is the law of the land? Fuck off. (View Post)
The only shots fired on J6 killed Ashley Babbitt. The armed mob pulling triggers was on your side, Dazzler. Now about that nagging speedy trial by a jury of one's peers thing.....keep skipping over C… (View Post)