You apparently see no conflicts of interest where two warfare judges' daughters just happen to be raking millions of dollars in fees from consulting engagements geared toward leftist programs and rep… (View Post)
The trannies and drag queens can do whatever the fuck they want amongst themselves. Keep it out of schools and libraries. There’s no fucking reason kids need to be sexualized in grade school. (View Post)
These fuckers continue to try re-writing history. Just because it passes their lips doesn't make it so. The internet is forever. And the Throbber is not so senile that he can't clearly remember all t… (View Post)
Fair here's the rebuttal. 1 - Both sides have fucked around talking for years and done nothing. Fuck that. DO something. Edit: -and fuck that due process nonsense. You sneak in illegally, you get sen… (View Post)