Weren't they doing a segment on game day on a boat here as well and that diversity hire peleton ESPN hoe got insanely offended by some comment he made about being in her mouth or something (View Post)
Like the psycho girl that says she won’t go on a date with you when you didn’t even ask, just wants to feel special. NEWSFLASH: WDGAF - Trump is going to blow all your fucking doors off b/c this shit… (View Post)
Because it's not cordwood they are stacking for the recruits. $$$ just how foreign aid is money laundering for the elites, NIL is money laundering for Phil Knight (View Post)
Holy fucking shit your are the definition of brainwashed. Marxist little bitch clown throwing the 'blame others of what we are doing'. I pity you. You had an obvious event that fucked you beyond repa… (View Post)
I expected this to be a move to help save Tui's job, as the team has fallen off. Makes it more difficult to get canned when you are woke. Not sure about the excuse the u-dub didn't know since it seem… (View Post)