GDP is currently growing at 3.8%, something that never happened under Obama. A GDP of 3.8% would tell me the underlying fundamentals of the economy are building. Trump has rolled back Obama regulatio… (View Post)
So what were those guys with the swastikas doing in C'ville? hardy har har My gu… (View Post)
Real NAZI's don't support Trump, they see him as part of the problem. The American NAZI Party supports: Environmentalism, National Healthcare, Wealth Redistribution, Free Education, etc. http://www.a… (View Post)
Special Prosecutor Robert Muelller flew to Moscow and gave the FSB 10 grams of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) in 2009 — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 2… (View Post)
I see plenty wrong with what Don Jr. did. First off, his father is Donald Trump - big mistake. He should have selected someone completely different as a father. Secondly, someone's using an iphone; e… (View Post)