even your pal Elon called it a waste of money. Spent an absurd amount of money for 20 years for a jet that only now might be getting off the ground. (View Post)
lol, the F35 cost $2 trillion and failed, so let’s launch another one using Boeing, which hasn’t had any issues lately. I’m sure this won’t lead to any wasted money at all. (View Post)
again, I think people should wait until they're 18. I can compromise there. banning them from the military when it's hard enough to get people to enlist these days is retarded. There's no evidence th… (View Post)
I posted what I posted. Your response is “your sources don’t count, we win again.” You argue with the intellectual capacity of a 16 year old on 4chan in 2006, and expect ass slaps from your pals for … (View Post)