Yup. Hirohito's surrender over the radio* was another humbling moment for him - most Japanese emperors had been locked away and didn't speak to commoners. But he was kinda sneaky that he delivered th… (View Post)
Did your deal with these guys fall through? https://golfgodsonline.com/us/products/golf-gods-dick-tees?gclid=CjwKCAiAmsurBhBvEiwA6e-WPLqgdB8cQ3hCLfVPAQfKwuT4VOsKpMgoi6AmoLKXDqj07Ocqa1wOGBoCls8QAvD_BwE (View Post)
And McArthur did a good job…too bad he couldn’t keep it going in @DerekJohnson’s Korea. BTW, McArthur’s photo with Emperor Hirohito is one of my favorite portraits for some reason. Probably because i… (View Post)