Did your deal with these guys fall through? https://golfgodsonline.com/us/products/golf-gods-dick-tees?gclid=CjwKCAiAmsurBhBvEiwA6e-WPLqgdB8cQ3hCLfVPAQfKwuT4VOsKpMgoi6AmoLKXDqj07Ocqa1wOGBoCls8QAvD_BwE (View Post)
And McArthur did a good job…too bad he couldn’t keep it going in @DerekJohnson’s Korea. BTW, McArthur’s photo with Emperor Hirohito is one of my favorite portraits for some reason. Probably because i… (View Post)
Since I'm a bit of seamstress, I subscribe to a historical costume maker's channel on YouTube and one of my favorite videos was of her starting an OnlyFans account that just showed off her ankles. Su… (View Post)