That’s the problem - it depends on the person, and some of the ways of tracking it is self reported data, like the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) questionnaire. Cortisol and adrenaline can be measured … (View Post)
It’s the classic “the French don’t get fat” despite eating of cheese, bread, and drinking a ton of wine paradox. (Though sadly I think that’s changing as their lifestyles become more American.) Their… (View Post)
I’ve been kinda following this thread, but before it gets any Tug-gier, I might as well throw in my two cents as this is a topic near and dear to my heart, both personally and professionally (as you … (View Post)
(Big sigh) This again. I’ve always been on Team DeBoer-Was-Leaving-Anyway - he was never going to turn down BAMA, and I will die on that hill… BUT The fact we? didn’t make a flashier offer made us? w… (View Post)