Wait, I thought Nigerians and the decedents of slaves are the same?!?!! NO!?!?! But they ALL HAVE BLACK SKIN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Isn't the one drop rule around any more?!!? What is going on?!?! I'm los… (View Post)
This can't be a real question, can it? lololololol Keep firing away your questions on 'ask a black man'! There are no stupid questions. Keep 'em coming and I will gather them all and answer all at on… (View Post)
I love the 'black people are all the same so I don't get what's with all the racism accusations' argument. It's amazing. Tell me more about the nuances of the black experience in America big guy! Tha… (View Post)
Go white people go!!! Why do all these black people keep thinking I'm biased?? They just don't get it man. White people don't think I'm racist AT ALL!!! If black people only understood, then they wou… (View Post)