Why aren’t you up front about the “donation”. You couldn’t be more wrong. I don’t think anyone needs to respect me. I didn’t know being attacked was part of the culture. I have never “required” anyon… (View Post)
I have paid for everything I am getting. I was self employed for almost 50 years and payed for my whole Social Security I am now receiving moron. You freeloaders pay 6.2 in SS taxes. I payed 12.4 in … (View Post)
I am still waiting for you to come up with a teaching of the Catholic Church that is worse than Sharia you ignorant moron. You’re just a bigot that shoots their mouth off to denigrate the target of t… (View Post)
Actually you don’t know what you are talking about. Why don’t you explain to us what you mean. Or do you just throw out ignorant shit like Kaine. Biden and Pelosi. So let’s hear your specific concern… (View Post)