This is so fucked up. I find it hard to believe that there are ANY politicians who think this is responsible behavior in a free society. I thank God I don't live under an oppressive city government l… (View Post)
The immaturity and stupidity of these idiots who believe this nazi salute thing is real, is so fun to watch. Just not smart people. Sad, but funny at the same time. You wonder how this kind of stupid… (View Post)
I don't understand why they are even wasting time on this. The controlling rats in OR will never let this happen. The state legislature has to approve and it just isn't going to happen. (View Post)
Think about it. How uneducated and sheltered does one have to be to actually go on live television and accused over half of this country of being racist? Tom hanks doesn't know anyone but far left ra… (View Post)
No surprise you are drinking your elitist leaders' poison kool aide. So ridiculous. Audits of wasteful spending is a bad thing to liberals. LOL! Just how low can you people go? (View Post)