Its interesting because Trump is a business man and not a fake politician. The lifelong public assholes don't know how to act when our leader isn't a member of the fake club. That is exactly what we … (View Post)
Thats funny because that is exactly what biden did. He jailed 1600 Americans, the majority of which didn't do squat, and let several thousand violent felons out on a get out of jail free card. Swalwe… (View Post)
And idiots like ern still don't learn from their mistakes. The fascists are the people you support ern. The ones who weaponized the federal government against parents, Catholics, free speech, jobs, e… (View Post)
And you find it normal and cute that she is all for grooming kids so they can be just like her . Its not. She is a POS who is leading her "flock" down the wrong fucked up path. Oh, and if y… (View Post)
You think Jesus would approve of a lesbian married to a man and living as a threesome with her lesbian lover after accepting the sanctity of marriage? I mean she is a "bishop" right? What a… (View Post)