Send them all back home. Our free speech has consequences. Say what you want but we certainly don't have to take bullshit from foreigners who don't like our laws. If you walk into my mothers kitchen,… (View Post)
The reality is, the GOP needs to be a bit more like the democrats when it comes to these nominations. I appreciate the fact that there is individuality in the GOP, that people can express their opini… (View Post)
I am for placing tariffs on countries that charge us tariffs. Its only fair. Balance it out. As for those countries who flood our markets with slave labor products and technology that they have stole… (View Post)
Rats like ern are why people should run from states run by rats. Nothing can be done. It surely is no democrat leaders fault. Its great that the people who fucked things up are in charge and are goin… (View Post)
Your government at work again. 33 foster children. Starving. I guess the government didn't notice anything strange. We just need more government I guess. Hmm…… (View Post)