ILB is as talented as the secondary. We'll be fine. I remember people saying we were in trouble leading up to the 2015 season before seeing Azeem and Keishawn play. We have way more talent and depth … (View Post)
Partial tears don't heal back to 100% and it's just a matter of time before it fully tears. Do not fuck this kid up like you did Hunter Bryant. If it's a partial tear, he still needs surgery to rip t… (View Post)
I'm not buying the whole "UW is back in it with him behind the scenes" bullshit. Until he announces UW is back in it or officially visits UW, he's not coming here. (View Post)
Neither can you. For all anybody knows we are one in the same arguing back and forth to create the illusion that we're two separate people when really, we're the same guy. (View Post)