Dear Pacific Coast Conference Blue Bloods, aka Worshington fans and alumni who visit this site, I know you think your shit don't stink. I would think the same if I were a Blue Blood. You have two fuc… (View Post)
Yes, look forward, not backwards. Your giving Elon "three model years" of more runway to continues to outpace Legacy while Legacy sits idle. Within a few months Telsa will go from 1 to 4 pr… (View Post) Your google must not be working. No one holds a candle to Tesla. The #1 selling EV is Tesla model Y. 76,426 sold so far in 20… (View Post)
No. I meant to post this a few days ago when I made the trade but I first had to figure out how the fuck to poast a screenshot. I wanted to show the channel. I'm aware Wall Street bets has been all o… (View Post)