Quoting Tony Robbins, who has never done shit in his life but sell his philosophy (which is based on zero real world experience) to dumb fucks who pay for it, is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
I bet the same people who attend Tony Robbins' seminars are the same who support Husky Football.
Quoting Tony Robbins, who has never done shit in his life but sell his philosophy (which is based on zero real world experience) to dumb fucks who pay for it, is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
Make millions selling your worthless philosophy unbacked by real world experience and then pop off
Sure, Robbins has made millions. Good for him for taking advantage of idiots. But it doesn't change the fact the he has absolutely nothing to stand on with regard to the philosophy he peddles. He has done nothing in his professional life other than public speaking. The fact that he makes millions is an indictment of the dumb fuck lemmings who pay him.
Quoting him as an example of what UW football needs to do.....why not quote Oprah?
You should go to an event. You surely aren't the first skeptic. If you aren't satisfied with your experience, there is a money back guarantee.
I think Swaye's grandfather put a medicine man curse over Washington football.
what's up with that Swaye?
We might deserve if for having that dumb cunt Hedges in charge of our athletic department, and letting Gerberding's little-man syndrome undermine Don James to the point of him saying "fuck you" and leaving.
We've never been the same. This shit has been going on about long enough.
Not gonna lie, strong, black women do scare me a bit.
That's one of my reasons anyway.
We've never been the same. This shit has been going on about long enough.